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Jagdish And Gauri Plan A Party – bsmaurya

Jagdish And Gauri Plan A Party – bsmaurya

 This is for you, but in what happiness? Hey, Jagdish And Gauri Plan A Party – bsmaurya  first take it, then it’s right, then I’ll tell you [bsmaurya] Now, if you keep looking like this, open it and see, what is right after all [bsmaurya] How sweet, thank you so much, if there was a need for it, a need It was true that if you had not given me the medicine along with that short lecture, I would have missed the entire lecture and kept sleeping. Now my studies would have suffered so much. So this was the only way to say thanks on my behalf. I had no one for such a small thing. Do you give gifts to anyone? Today is not just for today, Gauri, whatever you have done for me till date, I had a great desire for you.

Jagdish And Gauri Plan A Party – bsmaurya

I brought something, that’s why I brought it, come on, what did I do? Hey, you two are sitting here, what are you, the whole college was searched for you two, but why, what happened, we have decided that today we will go to Gateway of India or Chowpatty. And both of you will also have to go, yes friend, since we have come here, what have we seen apart from hostels and colleges, right, even after coming to Mumbai, we have not seen anything, so what is the point of coming here, let’s go friend, let’s do party shirty, great, let’s go Jagat. No Gauri, I will not come but why hey, we have just joined college so much.

Jagdish And Gauri Plan A Party – bsmaurya

Studies are still left and you guys are talking about the party and Gauri you are the first three to four months are very important for us. If we start being careless from now then what will happen next. We all understand the importance of studies in the world but only one. It’s a matter of the day and anyway tomorrow is Sunday, tomorrow we will sit together and study the whole day, I promise, let’s have a party today and anyway, since we all have come here, where have we spent any time with each other? The ragging incident united us all, but even after that we still know how much we have in common.

Jagdish And Gauri Plan A Party – bsmaurya

Jaga Yes, okay, if you feel so much about partying then let’s party but this party will not be just for us [music] We do parties for all the new students so that we can get a chance to know each other It’s a brilliant idea and only Why only new students, in fact I would say that if they do something like this then it has never happened till date, I mean why not invite your teachers and your seniors also, now they also need to know each other, with this our seniors also You will be able to understand how one should behave with a junior, now the party’s party, reconciliation and friendship.
Jagdish And Gauri Plan A Party – bsmaurya
Bhi [bsmaurya] Why okay cool yes but the party will not be like this, the party will be a little different [bsmaurya] K [bsmaurya] Hey Jagat Hey Jagat you are looking very dashing friend, did you wear this dhoti on your own? Yes why oh man I am so your distant uncle
Jagdish And Gauri Plan A Party – bsmaurya

I had to go to a doctor to get this dhoti made and that too from such a far away place. You must have lived in a village, that is why you know all this, now it is not necessary, nowadays in small towns people roam around wearing suits and ties, so all that. Have you lived abroad? Hey, everything can be learned to learn, you just need to have the desire to learn, my friend, Hi Ha Saram Na Ghamma Vat, I mean like we say Hi Hello Namaste, similarly in Rajasthan we say Gana Khamma and answer What do we have to say in Khamma Gana Khamma [bsmaurya] Ghani
[bsmaurya] Dear friends, today’s colorful evening has started. We have made a lot of preparations to entertain you all. Students from different backgrounds will present their folk dance in front of you all and the best artist will also get a special surprise gift. That too from the hands of our principal. Yes, he is coming. We all enjoy the famous dance of Gujarat, so how can we forget it today. So please welcome and now presenting before you the Koli dance of Maharashtra. Please Talia Bhai of Punjab. As soon as we hear the name, we remember the spirit of Bhang, so let’s welcome you with a big clap.
[bsmaurya] of these artists: Anandi, how big you have become, how lovely you are, how good you are, how are you and where do you live, after so many days you have come, how much I used to miss you, why didn’t you ever come to meet me like that? You are like that, I will tell you everything, I will tell you everything, come out otherwise after listening to your blabbering, Devi Maa will drive us both away from here [bsmaurya] f In which village are you teaching now, teacher [bsmaurya] Yes, your marriage has changed the direction of my life. Now I have changed the girls by living in a village.
Before your marriage, perhaps child marriage was just a bad practice for me, but after your marriage, I came to know and understood that it is not just a practice, it is the murder of innocent girls, of their future, of their dreams. Body [bsmaurya] Maybe you were very close to me, that’s why your marriage tore me from within. Even today I see Anandi in the nearby village sacrificing herself for this tradition [bsmaurya] I tried a lot [bsmaurya] Anandi I save someone from this horrible ritual

Jagdish And Gauri Plan A Party - bsmaurya
Jagdish And Gauri Plan A Party – bsmaurya
Couldn’t go door to door, told girls’ parents about its bad consequences, told them about the law [bsmaurya] This story has gripped this society so badly that I alone became weak [bsmaurya] No To break this bond [music], small girls are stopped from going to school, they are sent away with rituals to endure the atrocities on their mind and body at an early age. Whenever a girl leaves school, I see you in that girl and I curse myself for not being able to instill more courage in you.
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