Anesthesia doctor meaning in Hindi
Anesthesia doctor meaning in Hindi Today in which video will we understand here, what is this word anesthesia, you must have heard it many times, today only on Monday, we will understand well what is anesthesia in actual, how many types are there, why is it given, Sir Gujarat, in which video will we understand this. The video is interesting and informative. The morning is not with us. In this video, first of all, let us understand what is anesthesia in capture. The gas that is measurable here is a type of medical procedure. What is anesthesia? Through anesthetic drugs which would have happened the day after tomorrow
Anesthesia doctor meaning in Hindi
He is made unconscious or it can be said that whatever happens the day after tomorrow, he is made unconscious through anesthetic claims. This makes the sensation of the body go away. Whenever he becomes unconscious the day after tomorrow,Anesthesia doctor meaning in Hindi then he has to face any type of pain. There is no sensation of anesthesia because anesthesia is given due to various reasons. If any surgery is to be done, any medical procedure is to be done then it is in condition that before the medical surgery, anesthesia is given to the patient and he is made unconscious or Then any diagnostic procedure has to be done and then the patient is rendered unconscious in this condition.
- Is done or anesthesia is given to the patient before giving any medical intervention OK Next Gas
- The anesthesia here is of three types, the first one is general anesthesia.
- What happens is that the day after tomorrow the upper body is made unconscious. Well, what happens is that the entire body is made unconscious.
- One is made unconscious and there is loss of sensation in the entire body. That is what happens in regional Asia when a body
- If surgery has to be done on parts or any medical procedure has to be done, then only this area has to be numbed.
- This is done only in this area Anesthesia is given Okay, so it is called regional anesthesia Third here
- But what it is is local anesthesia. Local anesthesia is given only in small parts of the body.
- If any small parts of the body are being anesthetized then it is called local anesthesia. Next Gas Here
- But this anesthesia is given by a doctor who is called anesthesia logistician.
- There are anesthesia, they are specialist doctors of anesthesia who only
Anesthesia doctor meaning in Hindi
They are kept for anesthesia. They give anesthesia with great care and comfort because if there is even a slight excess of anesthetic drugs, the patient’s health can get disturbed. The condition of the patient can get disturbed. OK Next Gas Here, after giving anesthesia, when the patient becomes unconscious, then the doctors who condition him keep monitoring the patient’s oxygen label blue pressure and pulse continuously. OK So Gas, if you like this information. Like the video and subscribe the channel
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