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Home » Bella Ramsey on Chicken Run 2, neurodivergence and child acting

Bella Ramsey on Chicken Run 2, neurodivergence and child acting

so listen I I’ve really enjoyed Bella Ramsey on Chicken Run 2, neurodivergence and child actingyour work the last few years but hypothetically say someone has never seen anything you’ve done before what is the first thing you’d like them watching and why a great question um I would i’ I’d love people to watch time which is a show that’s just come out on BBC um because that’s just so opposite for me and I think it’s a cool one and I think it’s an interesting watch as well but also Chicken Run sure it’s also very good um I’m curious what surprised you

Bella Ramsey on Chicken Run 2, neurodivergence and child acting

about uh working with working on Chicken Run and voicing a character Molly in maybe ways you didn’t expect I mean I’d voiced some animation before but this was I’ve sort of done an animation for several years called HDE but this was with an entirely new team and i’ got used to that like way of working with the Hilda team so like it was a it it was a learning curve for me to like adapt to new ways of doing things um and I I’m I’m always blown away just by how like the process of animation and like
the sound Engineers just like being in a studio and watching them like fiddle around with like the buttons and the sliders and because I’ve been I was remote recording most of it like when I was in Canada or when like wherever I’ve been so just the fact that it can be done from literally anywhere is like remarkable I think same thing with like interviewing people who are in London and someone else is in La well exactly so I am curious do you see any similarities between Molly and Ellie or do you think they’re Polar Opposites no
there are definitely similarities I think uh they both have a similar like feistiness I think um they’re similar in that Molly it can be she’s this like Curious intelligent little chicken which obviously Ellie isn’t a chicken but this curious intelligent little chicken who wants to explore the world and thinks that she’s like Brave and can do anything but then you see moments of her being actually incredibly terrified and I think that’s the same with um with Ellie she comes across as this very like
headstrong uh adult most of the time but then you see these moments of her just being like a terrified little child so I think they have similarities in that regard do you enjoy recording efforts or do you dread them I quite like efforts you know I think that they’re so bizarre um and so unlike anything that you do in like live action you when do you ever like make yourself make like an oof sound you know it’s so weird uh yeah I quite like efforts I see a sheet of efforts I’m like yeah this is going to be fun also you just like
rattle through them there’s so like set sometimes like trying to get a very particular o is pretty funny yeah I’ve spoken to a lot of people and they tell me that the efforts are always always at the end of the day because you just shred your voice y exactly especially if there’s screams exactly so I I read that you’re vegan um I’m assuming you’re still vegan and I’m curious if you had any sort of personal connection uh to this um you know being part of chicken run because of that or not at all I mean
I actually didn’t think about it when I signed on to do chicken when I got the audition I didn’t like pick up on that similarity uh in terms of like me being vegan and not eating I’ve never like I’ve always I’ve never had meat I grew up in a I grew up pescatarian and I went veggie then I went vegan um so I didn’t really make that connection but I think that’s because I’ve just it’s always been a part of my life not eating meat that I wasn’t like oh this is cool um but now I think about it yeah like I
absolutely am behind the idea that we can watch this fun animated movie about chickens and then by the end of it be like hm maybe I don’t want to eat a chicken nugget I think that’s cool obviously I a huge fan of last us um like the rest of the world I’m just curious uh do you know when you’re actually starting to film season two next year do you actually know or you don’t know no I do actually know um well I mean yeah I like temporarily know things are changing all the time I think with the strikes everything’s just obviously
now they’re finished that’s amazing and we can actually get going and we can talk about it um but I think it’s delayed a couple of things and availability and stuff so we’ll just we’ll see but it will happen at some point next year which is exciting I’m I’m sure the studio is like please start filming as soon as you can um my last thing for you about last of us uh is what are you actually I’m sure you’ve played the game I know you know the story what are you most excited for in

Bella Ramsey on Chicken Run 2, neurodivergence and child acting
Bella Ramsey on Chicken Run 2, neurodivergence and child acting
season two to film is there like a sequence or a scene or something that you’re already thinking about yeah lots of things um I’m excited for the really intense stuff uh cuz I did AIT a bit of that in season one obviously but like to do that and actually more physical scenes cuz Ellie is obviously like more physically fit in season 2 and like so I’m looking forward to I love stuff and like waking up with bruises the next day it’s kind of bad and like finding myself with a black eye just because it feels
like so good to have done so I’m looking forward to doing that stuff and also the Dina story line I think that’s just going to be because OB had the one in season one with Ellie and Riley but to have it sort of as a storyline throughout the whole of like the second game um in terms of Ellie and Dina is is yeah really exciting that note I need to stop I’m just going to say big fan really uh congrats on everything that’s happening for you have a fantastic day thank you so much you too
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