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Home » CASO 123 MILHAS Reembolso De Passagens aéreas para 2024

CASO 123 MILHAS Reembolso De Passagens aéreas para 2024

We have very up-to-date news on the 1 23 Miles case, CASO 123 MILHAS Reembolso De Passagens aéreas para 2024 whether or not the money will come out for tickets for 2024. We already have up-to-date news and what will happen in the next steps so that people who bought such tickets and promotional packages before anything else can sign up to channel activates notifications as this helps a lot, check out the videos I always bring, bringing you news so you can save a lot and also not miss out.

CASO 123 MILHAS Reembolso De Passagens aéreas para 2024

Below, there are our discounted trainings exactly to help people who have been injured, great, but let’s get straight to the point case a 2 TR miles undergoes some changes Including the judicial recovery that was paused then came back and was paused again and they released a statement exactly today, December 9th, once again on Saturday for Friday, right, in fact it was on Friday, 11 o’clock at night, they always making announcements at night night they put Exactly that I bought a promo package 123 for 2024 I will travel all requests from the promo line not issued are included in the list of creditors

CASO 123 MILHAS Reembolso De Passagens aéreas para

therefore the amounts paid will be reimbursed in accordance with the judicial recovery plan and it is written the What happens with the purchase I made of flights and packages and they were not issued? All requests for the promo line that were not issued are included in the list of creditors.
They will be reimbursed according to the plan. what will be done in the best of all worlds if the company is really serious will happen Exactly that they will be able to take the money and then pay everyone with interest and also with moral damages because people had tickets they had packages they had tickets accommodation and several others things, but now let’s be fair and clear in this world that we live in, especially here under Brazilian legislation, this will probably be archived and the company will go bankrupt soon after soon after the judicial recovery ends, I honestly think they will end up paying
some people but they will remain free Because unfortunately in Brazil all these crimes all the things that happen end up being left on the sidelines and everyone forgets years later the companies come back with different names and everything is OK with that what should we do we should continue there on Reclame Aqui on consumer.
gov enter on their Instagram they can send a private message simply to file and then later, when the judicial recovery is over, you can send it directly to your lawyer and get the money, right, they have assets there, they will have to pawn it, it will take a few years, it certainly won’t be quick but you certainly have to run after them to get money from them there were several companies that went bankrupt and many people received 4 5 10 years later with moral damages etc and so on but anyway if that’s the case you have to do that I know that’s not the case it will pay if you paid 5,000 for a ticket to receive 30,000 in
5 years 10 years This will not pay for the loss you had to organize to take a vacation to join your family, suddenly a Honeymoon 15 years anyway we already know that which won’t happen unfortunately but what can be done in the future and I’m also saying this as a message to other people who end up asking a lot in the videos Is it worth buying a ticket without it being a promo I can board so I wouldn’t trust you if you couldn’t Honoring a promotional ticket that was often almost the same price as the tickets they were selling here
3S 4 months ago, I wouldn’t buy a fixed date since they weren’t able to honor another package or another ticket Not to mention that there are still people boarding buying other than promo packages and not being able to board some arrive here and say I couldn’t get it others I couldn’t get it My locator was canceled I couldn’t board the same thing with accommodations several accommodations are not being honored they call the accommodation and say 1 2 3 miles no paid or the group didn’t pay
so there’s no way to trust the company so get out 1 2 TR miles Max miles Hot miles if in months 8 months they present a legal process pay everyone and start Honoring then it’s another thing we come and talk but let’s be honest this is very difficult to happen and the company will probably go bankrupt soon so agreed there are all the links here I talked about the news also about the case of 12 23 Miles which said it will not honor the tickets for 2024 it waited until the very end of the year in December to arrive and saying that it won’t be honored. In
other words, it’s a lot of speculation, a lot of people asking in inbox, on Instagram, on email, until November, they’re saying no, 2024, we still don’t know, but I had already warned here that we already knew that it wouldn’t be honored in 2024 so with that we will not have a trip in 2024 in these promotional packages with 2 3 miles Let’s see if the judicial recovery will return for now it is paused so the longer it is paused the longer there will be this possibility of receiving the money in the future
in the past months ago If it continued it would be April now it has already extended to June then July August so the list of creditors getting bigger and the dreams there getting more and more severed, let’s say so, so stay tuned when you go to buy plane tickets, take a quick look so you don’t don’t miss out so you don’t have this scam, the inconvenience there are also several other sites that offer, such as Urb, flexible packages, flexible tickets, go to the company’s website, which is guaranteed, sometimes there are problems, on the company’s website, Latan a go to Azul, sometimes
it is So imagine buying through third parties and sometimes you don’t receive the locator, you don’t receive the ticket and you end up throwing this rubbish in your dream unfortunately Alright, I’m here to help, take a look here you have all the links including our training on the promotion to help you travel more buy a ticket, travel to three places, this is completely legal, without anything, without barter and without falc TR tru there and you will definitely be able to board because I explain everything

CASO 123 MILHAS Reembolso De Passagens aéreas para 2024
CASO 123 MILHAS Reembolso De Passagens aéreas para 2024
  1. in 8 years on the channel we have already traveled to 41 countries and more than 400
  2. cities spread across the world here in Brazil too, so the idea of ​​the channel is to
  3. demystify and show that everyone can travel, it can be paid in installments and you can
  4. travel by milia. Here we explain everything, beauty, so here at the end there will be
  5. several interesting videos including an exclusive playlist from Buenos Aires We have just
  6. returned from Buenos Aires unfortunately They are not feeling very well on their legs
  7. now there was an election but for us Brazilians the tourism there ends up being
very worth it in addition to other videos Madeira Island, several specials here on the channel and also itineraries so you don’t miss out out of nothing and travel saving a lot of beauty, so if you’ve stayed this far, leave your like, subscribe to the channel, like, share this video so that other people have knowledge, don’t fall for a prank, don’t buy a 2 TR miles ticket, don’t exchange miles on Hot miles and also at Max Miles, it’s great so no one can be deceived anymore and we can travel
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